Gilded Pendulum

As the information technology and interactive media landscape is forever evolving, the demand for high impact solutions rise to new levels as we strive to achieve lasting impressions with superlative form and function. With every new client engagement exists an opportunity to explore new challenges and creative potential. We look forward to streamlining today's electronic information in a high speed, real time world. Yours.

Dominic Speaks on the Perils of the Darknet

We had a nice discussion on November 6th, 2014 about how vital it is to secure online personal information. Don't leave this up to major corporations, in this day and age it's up to you to keep your personal information private and secure online. The topic was slightly based on the individual level but the focus was on what businesses AREN'T doing to protect their customers and how it's being overlooked. The business owner AND their customers ultimately pay the price here, literally. There has been a massive surge in data breaches lately originating from the darknets in China and Russia, as well as malicious DDoS attacks using huge botnets to take down servers which bring down services globally. So we're talking about what our future plans are to combat these issues in Las Vegas. Don't let yourself or your business become the next victim!

I jump in around the 22 minute mark below. This was a few years back where some business associates Kurt, Robert, and myself were discussing coming together to protect businesses with the trifecta of network security, cyber insurance, and credit card compliance to safeguard against unauthorized breaches of company data. They’ve since gone separate paths in business but I’m still doing what I do to protect business in the digital landscape.

The Gilded mainframe became self-aware on 11.11.13 at 10:56pm EST.